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Management and Operations of Electronic Government Procurement e-GP System of Bangladesh (Contract Package # S-2(a)) under Public Procurement Reform Project – II (PPRP II) (Sept 2013- Dec 2016)

The last two Procurement Reform Project PPRP and PPRP-II implemented by Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (GoB), financed by the World Bank, have focused on improving performance in Public Procurement and given extensive support to the modernization of Procurement processes. During the first reform project, the development of the central procurement portal and customized procurement monitoring application software PROMIS were important milestones to lead the country towards efficient, modernized public procurement. Under 98the second reform project, the GoB began operating the e-Tendering System (from June 2, 2011) on a pilot basis in four target agencies: namely the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), the Local Government Engineering Division (LEGD), the Rural Electrification Board (REB) and the Road and Highways Department (RHD). There four key government agencies have now successfully completed piloting of the system at procuring Entities (PEs) within their structures and the system. The project is currently at Management and Operations of Electronic Government Procurement e-GP System of Bangladesh. This is the 2nd phase 2013 to 2016 and 2016 to 2017 period.